Physician Survey

To assist us in monitoring the quality of our service, we would appreciate it if you would answer a few questions about the service you receive at our clinic.

Based on the service you have received in the past year, how satisfied are you with the following:

1. DIGITAL radiography services

2. Ultrasound Services

3. Mammography Services

4. Bone Densitometry Services

5. DOCTOR PORTAL for reports & images

6. Quality of reports

7. Length of time to obtain routine appointments

8. Length of time to have a patient with an urgent problem seen

9. Length of time to obtain typed results for a routine imaging test, once your patient is seen

10. Length of time to obtain a verbal report for an urgent request

11. If yes, was it informative and helpful?

12. Front desk staff are friendly, courteous and helpful

13. Does our staff help arrange bookings at our other nearby locations when needed?

14. Technical staff are friendly, courteous and helpful

15. Are you satisfied with our hours of operation?

If No - what hours would you like us to be open?

16. Are you happy with the communication with our radiologists when needed?

17. Do you use our physician portal for our reports and/or images?

18. Are you connected with Hospital Report Manager (HRM) to receive our reports?

Please add any additional comments you may have:

Thank you For your time.

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